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Nursing & Nurse Faculty Loans

NMC participates in the following loan programs funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Heath Professions

Nursing Student Loans

Nursing Student Loans (NSL) are available to students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate Nursing program. To qualify, students must have financial need as determined by the FAFSA; be enrolled at least half-time; be at least 18 years old; and must not be in default on any student loan. The borrower must complete online entrance counseling, acknowledge truth-in-lending disclosures, and sign an online promissory note. Eligibility must be re-established each academic year.

Annual and aggregate borrowing limits are established by HRSA and change from year to year as indicated below. Because NSL funding is limited, NMC may offer less than the maximum allowed.

  • For the 2024-2025 academic year, the maximum annual loan amount is $5,693 for the first two years of the undergraduate nursing program, and $8,955 for the final two undergraduate years and for those enrolled in a graduate nursing program. The aggregate loan limit for all years of study is $28,078.
  • Loan limits will increase by 4.277% each year.   

This is a loan and it must be repaid, even if the borrower does not complete the degree. Interest, at the rate of 5.0% per year, begins to accrue 9 months after the borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half-time. Repayment also begins 9 months after the borrower's last date of enrollment at least half-time. The amount borrowed, plus accrued interest, is repayable over a 10-year period. Payments are due no less than quarterly, and a minimum payment or $40 per month or $120 per quarter is required.

Once the repayment period has begun, a borrower may qualify for periods of deferment for service as a Peace Corps Volunteer, active duty member of a uniformed service, or while enrolled at least half-time in a baccalaureate or graduate level nursing program, pursuing advanced professional training in nursing, or training to become a nurse anesthetist. 

Nurse Faculty Loans

Nurse Faculty Loans (NFLP) are available to students enrolled in an advanced education program who are committed to become nurse faculty upon graduation from the program. The purpose of the NFLP program is to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty nationwide. Low interest loans are provided to assist with educational expenses and, in exchange for full-time, post-graduation employment as nurse faculty, the program authorizes cancellation of up to 85% of the NFLP loan. 

To qualify for the NFLP a student must be a nurse and enrolled in an eligible program that prepares the individual to become nurse faculty. Eligible programs at NMC include the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), MSN-Nurse Educator, RN to MSN-Nurse Educator (graduate courses only), Post-Master's Certificate-Nurse Educator, and Doctor of Education (EdD).  In addition, the recipient must be in good academic standing; committed to completing the program of study and serving as full-time nurse faculty for 4 consecutive years at an accredited school of nursing following graduation from the program; a U.S. citizen or national of the U.S., or a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. and its territories; be eligible to work in the U.S. post-graduation; and have no judgment liens entered against his/her/their property for default on a federal debt, 28 U.S.C. 3201(e).

To be considered for the NFLP program, an applicant must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each academic year. Annually, after eligibility is confirmed, the borrower must complete online entrance counseling, acknowledge truth-in-lending disclosures, and sign an online promissory note.

The NFLP loan covers the cost of tuition, fees and books while a student is enrolled part time or full time. Loans may not exceed $40,000 per academic year.

This is a loan and it must be repaid, even if the borrower does not complete the program of study. Interest begins to accrue 3 months after the borrower graduates or ceases to be enrolled in an eligible program of study. The interest rate will be 3% per year for borrowers who graduate, obtain full-time employment within 12 months post-graduation, and fulfill the first year of their full-time teaching obligation. For borrowers who do not graduate, do not obtain full-time employment within 12 months, or do not complete the first year of the service agreement, interest will accrue at the prevailing market rate. This prevailing market rate is determined by the U.S. Treasury Department and has ranged from 8.75% to 12.5% in recent years. 

Repayment begins 9 months after the borrower graduates or otherwise ceases enrollment in the eligible program of study, and the loan must be repaid within 10 years. During periods when the borrower is employed full-time to qualify for the cancellation, payments may be postponed but this does not extend the repayment period. 

To qualify for the loan cancellation, full-time employment must be obtained within 12 months post-graduation. Upon documented completion of each the first, second and third years of eligible employment, 20% of the loan will be cancelled. Upon documented completion of the fourth year of eligible employment, 25% of the loan will be cancelled. Therefore, after 4 years of eligible full-time employment, 85% of the loan will have been cancelled. The borrower is then responsible for repaying the remaining 15% of the loan over the remaining 6 years of the repayment period.

NFLP borrowers may be eligible for deferment for up to 3 years when ordered to active duty as a member of a uniformed service, or up to 10 years when a borrower who graduated and is employed as nurse faculty decides to return to a graduate nursing education program to pursue an advanced degree to further their preparation as a nurse faculty.

For more detailed information about the NFLP program, please download this document about the NFLP that was produced by the NMC Financial Aid Office. Among other things, it includes specific information about documentation and deadline requirements to establish eligibility for the loan cancellation.