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Disability Services & Accommodations

Nebraska Methodist College is committed to full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by providing equal opportunity and reasonable accommodations to qualifying students with disabilities. Students, faculty, staff, and administration all play a role in ensuring that reasonable and appropriate accommodations are provided in a timely and effective manner.

Receiving Accommodations

It is NMC's policy that no qualified student who demonstrates a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities be excluded from participation in, be denied benefit of, or be subject to discrimination in any program or activity offered by NMC. NMC endeavors to provide qualified students with disabilities equal access, not advantage, to the College's educational opportunities, facilities, programs and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of the individual.

It is the student's responsibility to request accommodations. It is only through the student's voluntary disclosure of disability and request for accommodation that NMC can support student's disability needs. Students may initiate the process by completing the Request for Accommodations Form below and meeting with the Coordinator of Academic Success. Additional forms related to requesting documentation from a qualified professional are also available below. Students should be aware of the differences between services in high school and those available in college. Information outlining the differences between services in high school and college is available in the "Transitions" document below.

For more information about how to receive accommodations at NMC, please contact Lisa Flairty, Director of Academic Success or call (402) 354-7029. Students seeking an accommodation(s) are also encouraged to review our Services and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy, which can be accessed in the Student Catalog or in the documents below.

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