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Academic Travel Opportunities

 Students and alumni at Nebraska Methodist College (NMC) have the unique opportunity to participate in travel opportunities to broaden their experiences as educated citizens. Since 1991, NMC has offered opportunities to enhance students’ exposure to other cultures and geographic areas with an emphasis on healthcare differences.

Travel opportunities are coordinated through the Provost's Office. Below are the current travel opportunities that are offered.

Reads as Academic Travel Abroad: in care of Clarkson College

Join us on an unforgettable journey as we take you on a tour of some of the most incredible countries and gain important insights into the healthcare practices and facilities across the globe. NMC is a proud partner with Bryan College of Health Science and Clarkson College in providing health care students with an opportunity of a lifetime. Students can earn up to three credit hours by participating in either our May or December trips which offer a carefully designed itinerary to give you an immersive educational experience. Past, destinations have included England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic, Austria and Germany.

Reads as Education Experience Abroad: Bryan College & Nebraska Methodist College

These 11 or 12 day immersive experiences provides students and alumni with the opportunity to broaden your understanding of global healthcare and develop a more nuanced approach to your studies. Travel abroad courses are led by experience educators and healthcare professionals who will be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you get the most out of your travel experience. Don’t’ miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain invaluable experience in global healthcare.

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