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Campus Safety and Security

The effectiveness campus safety and security policies and procedures relies on active support of the students, faculty and staff. Everyone at NMC shares the responsibility to be prepared to take appropriate and deliberate action when an emergency arises.

Your safety and well-being is the overarching goal of the NMC Campus Safety and Health Committee. Campus Safety and Health Committee promotes safety by reviewing areas of concern, updating institutional policies and increasing awareness in the campus community. Each year in October, the Committee hosts Safety Week which includes events to inform the community about safety issues such as fire, social media, crisis intervention and bystander intervention training.

Filing a Report

Report any incident or occurrence that is out of the ordinary including, but not limited to, complaints from external constituents, missing persons or any situation not related to illness or injury.

If the situation involves illness or injury, a Student Incident Form must be filled out and submitted within 24 hours.

Student Crisis Protocol

The Response Guide for Student Crisis Situations was developed to inform responses for student crisis situations that may occur at Nebraska Methodist College. 

Student Crisis Response Guide PDF

Clery Compliance Information

Clery Compliance Information

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, formerly the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, requires institutions of higher education participating in Title IV programs to annually disclose information related to security policies and specific crime statistics to all current students, employees and the Secretary of Education. This information must also be provided to prospective students and employees upon request.

Crime statistics provided in Nebraska Methodist College’s Annual Security Report are based upon incidents reported by campus security authorities and local police agencies. NMC annually reports statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning the occurrence on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, and on public property (as those terms are defined and interpreted for purposes of the Clery Act) for occurrences of murder, manslaughter, sexual misconduct, including, (forcible and nonforcible) sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, robbery, arson, aggravated assault, burglary, and motor vehicle theft; statistics on arrests for violations of liquor or drug abuse as well as weapons possession violations; disciplinary referrals for liquor, drug and weapons violations; and statistics on Hate Crimes that are reported to local police agencies or to campus security authorities.

The Methodist Health System Security Department, in consultation with the NMC Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, will make the determination as to whether a reportable offense has occurred. These reports will be compiled to prepare the annual Campus Crime and Security Survey for submission to the United State Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education. 

This report will be made available for public viewing on the NMC website on October 1st of each year. A daily summary of all criminal activity is available to the general public by the Methodist Health System Security Department (Incident Reports). All crimes reported to campus security are posted to the crime log within two (2) business days of the report unless the disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim. Campus security may also withhold information from the crime log when there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual; cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or result in the destruction of evidence.

Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report

Campus Directory for Safety and Security

Campus Lockdown

Criminal Activity on Campus

Reporting an Incident/Emergency

Fire Safety

Missing Persons

Safety Tips

Emergency Communication

Emergency Communication

Campus Closure

Severe Weather

“Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning” – Severe Weather Preparedness Guide

Medical Emergencies

Blood/Body Fluid Occupational Exposure

Employee Injury or Illness

Student Injury or Illness

Facility Management

Access to On Campus Facilities

Armed Intruder/Active Shooter

Building Evacuation

Hazardous Spill

Private Investigators

Power/Utility Failure


Weapons Free Campus