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Consumer Information Directory

The Nebraska Methodist College Consumer Information Directory is designed as a quick reference tool for College personnel, students, prospective students, and other consumers. Included in this directory is consumer information as required by the Higher Education Act and the Public Health Service Act. The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) (HEOA) was enacted on August 14, 2008, and reauthorizes the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). Information contained in this directory is updated annually.

Have questions or need more information?  Please contact the appropriate department listed below

Education Compliance:
(402) 354-7259

(402) 354-7230

Financial Aid Director:
(402) 354-7725

Financial Aid Assistant Director:
(402) 354-6597

Office Hours:
8:00am- 4:30pm

(402) 354-7020

Find the current and archived College Catalogs here.

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