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Alumni Association

Nebraska Methodist College is a premier private health professions institution that has offered a caring, close-knit community to its students since it was established in 1891. Our alumni, donors and community members are an important part of NMC family.


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Alumni Events


NMC Class of 1973 Celebrates 50 Years

The class of 1973 experienced the magic for themselves in late September – the hugs, the laughter and the joy of reuniting after 50 years.

Over salad, charcuterie and fall desserts, almost three dozen alums shared career highlights and fond memories of their time at Methodist School of Nursing (now Nebraska Methodist College). They thought back on those poolside weekends at the old dorm, grabbing a bite at B&G Tasty Foods and belting out their rendition of “Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog.” Above all, classmates remembered the camaraderie.

“Jean Beyer really set the stage for how important it is to maintain those connections – with the students in our classes and with Nebraska Methodist College,” said Carol “Cece” (Sercl) Evermann.  

Evermann was one of seven transfer students in the class of 1973. She said instructors like Janae Edmundson and Linda Simanski left a lifelong impression: “We owe so many people so much.”

That was a consistent theme at the reunion brunch – the quality of the class’s Nebraska Methodist education.

“I really appreciated our great clinical instructors. They gave me a great foundation to build on,” said Carol (Lantz) Rastede. 

She brought a special guest – and nursing inspiration – to the reunion: her 96-year-old mother, Gladys Lantz. Also an alum, Lantz was celebrating her remarkable 75th graduation anniversary.

“I felt like I was so well trained and confident when I graduated,” Lantz said. “I really enjoyed public health nursing.”

As part of the reunion celebration, each alumna received her 50th anniversary pin. A special thanks to those who helped organize the event, including Evermann, Pam (Hoffman) Grosse and Carol (Krzycki) Nowak.

“When you’re young, you don’t really appreciate and realize the bonds that are formed,” Evermann said. “It’s always nice to reconnect.”

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If you would like to make a gift to support Nebraska Methodist College, please visit the Methodist Hospital Foundation website.

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Alumni Award Nominations

The Alumni Association is seeking nominations for the following alumni awards:

You Touched My Life Award

Nebraska Methodist College now has a way to recognize that important person. It’s called the “You Touched My Life” award. All NMC alumni are eligible to be nominated.

Horizon Award

The Horizon Award is the most prestigious recognition bestowed on an alum by the Alumni Association. Alums may receive the Horizon Award only once in their lifetime.

Volunteer Opportunities

Learn more about volunteer opportunities currently offered through the Center for Health Partnerships.

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