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About NMC

Nebraska Methodist College, located in Omaha, Nebraska, is an accredited, private, not-for-profit nursing and healthcare college. It's where students live with meaning and discover what they want to give back to the world while thriving in a close-knit, caring community established in 1891. With an enrollment of over 1,100 students, NMC is small enough to truly care about each student and large enough to provide outstanding undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs in nursing and allied health.

NMC students experience a holistic culture of caring while mastering the art and science of healthcare. They gain the skills and experience needed to become outstanding contributors to society through service-learning experiences, community-based education, and leadership development integrated throughout the curriculum.


As a health professions institution, we provide educational experiences for the development of individuals in order that they may positively influence the health and well-being of the community.



We are concerned for the well-being of all people and demonstrate this concern through kindness, compassion and service.


We expect the best from everyone and hold ourselves to the highest ideals of personal, professional and organizational performance.


We recognize and honor the interrelatedness of all things and all people, and are committed to the development of the whole person.


We embrace the experiential process by which knowledge, insight, understanding and ultimately wisdom are created for ourselves and those we serve.


We recognize and uphold the dignity and self-worth of every human being, and promote honest and forthright interpersonal communication and behaviors.

Nebraska Methodist College History

1891 Nebraska Methodist College is founded
1930 NMC is one of 5 Nebraska nursing schools to operate before 1930 to present day
1940 Nebraska Methodist College trained nurses who would serve during WWII
1985 NMC became a degree-granting institution – one 4 year and two 2 year degree programs
2005 The new Josie Harper Campus opens

Student Success Outcome Rates

2018 Full-time, First-time Degree-Seeking Student Retention Rate was 68%
2013 Student Completion Rates
  • Cohort
  • 6-Year
  • 8-Year
  • Full-time, First-time
  • 69%
  • 69%
  • Part-time, First-time
  • 40%
  • 40%
  • Full-time, Non-first-time
  • 82%
  • 82%
  • Part-time, Non-first-time
  • 69%
  • 69%
2013 Full-time, First-time Cohort Student Completion Rates
  • Total Overall Completion Rate
  • 69%
  • Completion Rate for Students Pursuing
    Bachelor’s Degrees
  • 60%
  • The 4-Year Average Student-Right-to-Know
    Completion Rate Calculation
  • 65%

Honors & Awards

2013, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

The Chronicle of Higher Education recognizes small groups of colleges for specific best practices and policies. Now in its 13th year, the Great Colleges program has become one of the largest and most respected workplace-recognition programs in the country.

See our results >

2020, 2023

The Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs recognizes colleges and universities with the Veteran and Active Duty Supportive Designation for Postsecondary Institutions if they provide specific support services to military and veteran students. The designation is valid for three years, after which institutions may renew.

Certificate >


Recognized by Apple as a distinguished school for continuous innovation in learning, teaching, and the school environment.

2021, 2023, 2024

The purpose of the AAMN's Best Schools for Men in Nursing Award to recognize a nursing school or college that has provided significant efforts in recruiting and retaining men in nursing, in providing men a supportive educational environment, and in educating faculty, students and the community about the contributions men have and do make to the nursing profession.

2015, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Nebraska Methodist College was once again recognized by the Military Friendly® program as a Military Friendly School for veterans and their spouses. Military Friendly® is dedicated to creating civilian opportunities for veterans and rates organizations for their support and dedication toward the active duty, reserve, and guard veterans and their spouse.


Nebraska Methodist College has set a standard for higher education institutions to provide the best post-secondary education experiences for spouses of service members. For its continued commitment to military-connected students, Nebraska Methodist College has earned the Military Spouse Friendly School designation for 2022-23.

2015, 2016, 2017

Rather than an award, The Community Engagement Classification from the Carnegie Foundation is a voluntary classification that signifies an institution's commitment to partnering with officials and representatives on a number of initiatives designed to foster interaction, growth, and the betterment of the local community.


Nebraska Methodist College has been selected as a 2017 Active Learning Center Grant recipient. Steelcase Education seeks partners in active learning who are ready to use their physical classroom space to advance learning in new and important ways. We have a passion for understanding how learning takes place and how smarter, active learning spaces can help. Nebraska Methodist College will partner with Sheppard's Business Interiors to complete the new classroom space.


The Best Online College Top 10 listings are part of an effort to feature the most affordable, highest-quality online degree options to students in each state in the US, including public and private institutions. With more and more working adult and professional students choosing online degree programs, prospective students will benefit from a comprehensive listing detailing the accredited, reputable options in their home states.


Selecting the best nursing school in Nebraska can be difficult. To make the process easier first look for a school that supports students towards licensure and beyond. A great way to measure this is through NCLEX-RN "pass rates." Nebraska Methodist College has been ranked in the top 5 nursing schools in Nebraska by analyzing current and historical NCLEX-RN "pass rates", meaning the percentage of graduates who pass the exam, out of the 15 RN programs in the state. Programs reviewed include schools that offer an Associate in Nursing (ADN/ASN), BSN, or Direct-Entry MSN Degree.

2013, 2016, 2017

Platinum status from the WELCOA Well Workplace Awards is afforded to those institutions that have put forth programming that has had a demonstrable impact on workplace wellness. Such initiatives are integrated within the organization as an accepted part of business strategy.


The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll recognizes institutions of higher education that support exemplary community service programs and raise the visibility of effective practices in campus community partnerships.


Honor RollNMC was named to the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with Distinction. The award acknowledges the College's strong commitment to partnering with the community to positively impact healthcare.

Community Engagement

The NMC Center for Community Engagement (CCE) offers programs to address college and community needs, create positive social change, and cultivate active citizen leaders.

Institutional Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity Statement

Nebraska Methodist College respects the dignity and inherent worth of all people.  We value inclusion, diversity, equity, social justice and human rights. We accept the responsibility to educate individuals to foster cultural diversity and inclusivity in their professional practice.